Friday, November 1, 2013

The Changing Kiranawala! - India

80 Lakh Kirana outlets have been a number constantly quoted in various studies as the first consumer choice for shopping across India. They have distinct advantages that are obvious now; convenience, extension of credit, home delivery & leveraging personal relationships. But threats from outside & inside have ensured that they have evolved rapidly over the last 5 to 10 years.   

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bing new logo & Interphase - The Next Phase

At Bing, we understand that search is more than simply finding information, it’s about taking action and gaining knowledge. Since Bing’s launch, we’ve talked about doing instead of searching, and how the web has changed from a collection of documents to a constantly growing digital version of life as we know it. At the same time, the devices and scenarios through which people experience the web are morphing at an accelerating rate. We no longer think about search as simply a box that people type into. We ‘search’ on maps using our fingers, ask our devices questions using our voice, use our social networks to figure out what’s happening, and even use our phone’s ‘eyes’ to navigate foreign cities. Search has never been asked to do so many things in so many different ways across so many devices. It’s time to change.
Nowhere has this been more obvious than with how people use Microsoft devices and services. We can now speak to our Xbox consoles to find and interact with digital entertainment. Our Windows Phones offer contextually relevant suggestions and can translate languages in real time. Bing image search is now part of Word, and Bing Maps part of Excel. Bing is now an important service layer for Microsoft, and we wanted to create a new brand identity to reflect Bing’s company-wide role. The new look integrates the “One Microsoft” vision both from a product perspective and visually. 


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Microsoft gives Bing a new logo and is making changes to its interface

Microsoft has been constantly adding new features to its Bing search site since it first launched in 2009 as a direct competitor to Google. However, it hasn't made much of a dent in Google's overall search market share. Today, the company announced its biggest overhaul of Bing since it started over four years ago. The changes starts with a new logo:
Good-bye old Bing logo ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Market Research Tools: Concept Testing Advertisng, Brands, Products, Pricing, Positioning

Concept testing research evaluates advertising concepts, ad theme concepts and appeals, new product concepts, pricing, brand concepts, brand names, and positioning strategy concepts.

The concept testing market research design approach for your company will develop precise and specific concept statements for development, testing, screening and segmentation.

                        Online Marketing Research

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Market Research Applications: Ad Copy Testing

Advertising copy testing research guages advertising concepts, advertising themes, and tests concept strength, comprehension, ad recall, and ad relevance.

We select from several ad copy testing environments: online, depth interviews, mail surveys, or test ad campaigns. Method depends upon the stage of copy point development.
As a broad based marketing and advertising research company, our advertising copy testing research design approach for your firm or agency will develop a precise and specific ad copy testing research process. It will be tailored to your decision agenda. We employ advanced advertising testing research  measurement, questionnaire, and data collection approaches to assess ad concept strength, and execution power using both qualitative and quantitative market research methods.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Market Research Tools: Online Discussion Forums

Online marketing research forums -- or bulletin board focus groups -- add important "time extension" to traditional depth interviews. Online Discussion Forums are virtual discussions conducted via exclusive online portals custom built for the marketing research project.

These highly involved qualitative marketing research discussions unfold over extended time frames. Forums, sometimes referred to as "qualitative bulletin boards" or "bulletin board focus groups (BBFG), deliver an outstanding qualitative method: forums have the interactive advantages of focus groups or face-to-face IDIs with the efficiencies and response validity of online interviewing technology.
focus group on steroids

Friday, October 18, 2013

Market Research Tools: Online Research Communities

Market research online communities (MROC) make "social networking" usable for reliable marketing research. Using our specially designed research focused platforms -- a special Facebook-like community portal -- we create one to three month qualitative dialogs with your target audience.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Online Marketing Surveys

market research methodology. Online marketing research is deployed after carefully considering research design factors. Our clients include B2B and consumer marketers, advertising agencies, and venture capital firms.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Market Research - Where to Find the Market Information Good data sources

According to the American Marketing Association, market research is conducted to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; and improve understanding of marketing as a process. Essentially, this information helps you to identify your target customer, assess your competition, and decide on a marketing plan.

Market Research Overview

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Guide to Market Research and Analysis

Successful businesses have extensive knowledge about their customers and their competitors. Getting accurate and specific information about your customers and competitors is a critical first step in market investigation and development of a marketing plan. Accurate market assessment and development of an effective plan is critical to the success of both new and existing businesses. The market impacts and directs all aspects of the company's activities and ultimately will lead to success or failure of the business. In developing a market plan, your primary functions are to understand the needs and desires of your customer, select or develop a product or service that will meet customer needs, develop promotional material that will make the customer aware, and ensure product or service delivery.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

How to Find New Markets

New markets can mean markets in a new location or country. However, on a more practical level, a new market is simply a set of customers who have not purchased from you before. This means that a new market could be customers in a different part of town, socio-economic group, country or industry.

Primary Market Research Techniques

This info-guide provides a summary of primary research techniques - primary, being research that is generated first-hand by you and your business.

Friday, October 11, 2013

New Techniques for Market research

The purpose of market research is to validate and inform a company’s planning assumptions regarding their strategy, target customer, product, and marketing communications. Technology start-ups have unique research needs. They differ from more established companies in that their market, product category, technology and competition are difficult to define. This means that the relevant market research techniques for start-ups vary from those used by bigger companies.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Methods for Market research methods - an overview

There are several ways to categorize the various market research methods.  The vast majority of techniques fit into one of six categories: (1) secondary research, (2) surveys, (3) focus groups, (4) interviews, (5) observation, or (6) experiments/field trials.
Market Research Methods
Market Research Methods: An Overview

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quantitative Market Research and Qualitative Market Research


It might be a one-off "ad hoc" study (conducted at one particular time for a single customer) or an on-going study (panel). In the case of an opinion survey the sample is based on quotas (one defines the structure of the sample and constructs it) or by random selection.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Simple Market Research Techniques

Do you know the techniques you can use for doing market research? What differences are involved in doing qualitative research as opposed to collecting quantitative data?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Guide to Market Research and Analysis

Successful businesses have extensive knowledge about their customers and their competitors. Getting accurate and specific information about your customers and competitors is a critical first step in market investigation and development of a marketing plan. Accurate market assessment and development of an effective plan is critical to the success of both new and existing businesses. The market impacts and directs all aspects of the company's activities and ultimately will lead to success or failure of the business. In developing a market plan, your primary functions are to understand the needs and desires of your customer, select or develop a product or service that will meet customer needs, develop promotional material that will make the customer aware, and ensure product or service delivery.

Market Analysis

Who is your customer?

Knowledge of the customer enables you to determine the market size and what determines their buying decision. It provides information that will help you choose a location, determine the product or services to offer, establish pricing, and plan a selling strategy.
Key issues to consider are:
  • Who will buy your product? Primary and secondary target groups.
  • Where do the buyers live and what is their profile?
  • What factors influence the decision to buy?
  • Who is involved in the purchase decision?
  • How often will buyers buy?
  • Where do they buy, when and how much do they buy?
  • What are the buyers' preferences and needs?
  • Are customers loyal? Can long-term relationships be built?

What product or service are you selling?

An important aspect of market analysis is to ensure that the product or service meets the market (customer) needs. Product or service focus must be the customer.
Issues to address are:
  • Specifications of all your products and/or services and key features relative to what prospective buyers in your target market say they need.
  • Comparison with competitors and how customers perceive your product relative to others available.
  • What are the current trends, what stage of maturity is the product life cycle at?
  • What regulations apply to your product or service?
  • What packaging is required?

Who is your competition?

Are there competitors that exist now and what new competitors are likely to enter the market? How will your product or service compare and what is the probable reaction of your competitors once you enter the market?
Issues to consider are:
  • Who are your major competitors?
  • What share of the market do they have?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses (i.e. quality, price, service, payment terms, location, reputation, finances, etc.)?
  • How do you compare to your competitors and how will they react to your entry into the market?
  • What factors could increase or reduce your competition?

What is your target market?

Accurate identification and analysis of the target market enables you to develop an effective overall marketing strategy. The information will assist in determining business size (output requirements), distribution channels, pricing, promotion strategy, and other marketing decisions.
Target market issues include:
  • What is the overall market size? Number of potential customers and physical boundaries?
  • Which segment of the market is the most attractive in terms of future growth potential, ease of entry, competition, profit potential, and overall risk?
  • How do products generally get to the customer?
  • What is the current dollar value or quantity of product/service being sold into each segment of the market?
  • What social, technical, environmental or economic changes are taking place within the market and how will they impact sales?

What are your distribution channels?

There may be many options for moving your product to the customer such as direct retail, wholesale, consignment, broker etc. The method of distribution has important implications affecting your pricing structure, advertising message, cash flow, etc. You will want to choose the distribution method best suited for your product and where you want to be positioned in the marketplace.
Key issues are:
  • What methods of distribution are best suited for your product?
  • What methods of distribution do your competitors use?
  • What are the costs relative to market coverage?
  • Does your level of available capital or production capacities restrict your choice of distribution methods?
  • Are there ownership opportunities in the supply chain?


The goal is to maximize profits while remaining competitive in the marketplace. Pricing can be based on either the cost price or market price (What will the market pay?). Regardless of the pricing method used, it is critical to know all of your costs involved in the delivery of your product or service to avoid possible under pricing and operating losses. If the market will not support a price level sufficient to cover cost, you will have to investigate whether costs can be lowered or alternatively, it may be necessary to abandon your plans to proceed.
Issues to consider are:
  • What control do you have over the product price (i.e. exclusive product, no competition, high market demand, etc.)?
  • What are competitor prices and how do they price their products?
  • What price and sales volume are needed to achieve profit objectives?
  • Can you sell your product at different prices into different markets?
  • Can you maintain your prices over time and what do you expect to happen to competitors' prices?
  • Are your prices quantity sensitive?

Promotion and Selling

Promotion of your product or service and development of a promotion strategy is part of the market analysis. It is important to analyze what are the best methods of making your customers aware and what message will motivate them to buy. From the promotion strategy, the advertising budget and overall sales plan are then developed.
Items to consider are:
  • What media of advertising and sales do your competitors use?
  • What media of advertising is best suited to reach your customer? Primary and secondary media. (i.e. Primary - newspaper and radio; Secondary - flyers and trade shows).
  • What sales tools and training will be required for staff?
  • What image are you attempting to build through your promotion?
  • Packaging?
  • Are you going to use professional marketing services?
Note: While customer service, in-store display and merchandising are not part of the market analysis; they are an important part of the business image and promotion package. Ongoing attention should be given to these areas to assure maximum promotional benefit is achieved and so that the desired image is portrayed.

Primary / Secondary Data Sources

Primary data is the information you will obtain through your own efforts or by hiring someone, and can include observation, surveying, and experimentation.
Secondary data consists of information which has been gathered by someone else and is relevant to the venture you want to establish. Examples of sources and types include:
  • Canada Business service centre in your region
  • Statistics Canada 1-800-263-1136
  • Canada Post - 1-800-267-1177
  • Local, municipal, provincial, and federal government departments and agencies
  • Business and industry associations / trade publications / periodicals
  • Business and industry trade shows and exhibitions
  • Local public, business, and educational institution libraries
  • Business and popular press
  • Business professional services, i.e. accountants, lawyers, consultants, insurance brokers, financial institutions
  • Business and educational seminars / courses, etc.
  • Other business people / known acquaintances / competition / internet
When researching your business idea, it is important to do as thorough a search for information as possible. It is also recommended to do as much of it as you can on your own. This will help you to know the market for your idea better, and can help to keep the costs down at the start. Once this initial research has been completed, you may then feel the need to contract professional services to collect additional information for you, or to verify the information you have collected so far. The information you have gathered yourself can form an important base of information from which a consultant can work. It will allow you to identify more specifically what you want him/her to do for you, particularly when there will be costs associated with his/her services.

Basic Methods for Quality Market Research

While there are many ways to perform market research, most businesses use one or more of five basic methods: surveys, focus groups, personal interviews, observation, and field trials. The type of data you need and how much money you’re willing to spend will determine which techniques you choose for your business.                      

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Marketing Research Kit - Good Marketing Research Terms and Ethics

Marketing can increase your sales and profits. To optimize your sales and target the best customers, you need to conduct research to pinpoint the best approach for your marketing communications and strategies. Ensure that you’re conducting the best research possible, recognize and question standard marketing research terms so you understand every step of the process, and practice good research ethics to protect your business and guarantee its success.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Are Customer Surveys really important and helpful to Small Businesses?

Because satisfied customers are loyal customers.  Loyal customers come back and buy from you again, and tell their friends all about the great service they have received from you.  Then their friends come and shop with you too.
Customers that are dissatisfied or just feel neutral are more likely to try the competition.  They won’t tell you, they will just do it, and they may never come back to you.
Big businesses know this, and carry out customer surveys all the time.   A number of small businesses however will often skip market research as they feel that they cannot afford it or that it is not relevant to them.  However customer research is important regardless of business size, here’s why:

Friday, October 4, 2013

How to Survey your Market – Thinking outside the Online Survey Tools Box

I am always going on about how much small businesses need to do market research, even those who are just starting up.   Market Research will tell you everything you need to know about your customers, such as how they buy your products, and what needs they have that can be fulfilled by your products.
Many soloist and small businesses rush out into the market with their new product idea without first answering these questions, and then wonder why nobody buys their product.
One of the main reasons that research is skipped is due to lack of funds to hire a research agency, however there are a number of tools and resources available to help you run your own research studies right here on this site.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Market Research - For Launch a New Product

Do you have a new product that you want to add to your existing range?  Or perhaps you are thinking about starting up in business and you want to know if there is a market for a particular product you are thinking of selling. It doesn’t matter if you have invented the product yourself or if you are selling other people’s products you are more likely to succeed if you have done some market research the among potential customers first to ensure there is a market for it.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Guide to Market Research - For Beginner's

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” -Zora Neale Hurston
 What if tomorrow your best customers were in charge of your business? That’s right: you’re out, they’re in. Your CEO is now the customer whose loyalty card whizzes like a finely oiled European sports car. And your management team has been replaced by a cadre of heavy users, students of every nuance of your business.

Friday, September 6, 2013

7 Things Your Body Language Is Telling Your Boss

Thinking about wearing that red tie to a meeting with the managing director today? You might want to think again.
Body language and nonverbal communication can have a big impact on your professional life and can ultimately make or break a deal, business relationship or even your financial success, according to a legion of body language books.
"In business, one of the most important things is the impression you give people," Eliot Hoppe, an author and expert on body language, told CNBC.
Body language encompasses body movements, facial expressions and gestures as well as the tone of your voice. Here are Hoppe's top tips to optimize your chances of business success.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Marketing Concept

The marketing concept is the philosophy that firms should analyze the needs of their customers and then make decisions to satisfy those needs, better than the competition. Today most firms have adopted the marketing concept, but this has not always been the case.

In 1776 in The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith wrote that the needs of producers should be considered only with regard to meeting the needs of consumers. While this philosophy is consistent with the marketing concept, it would not be adopted widely until nearly 200 years later.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Checking e-mails is part of our everyday life and most of us have linked our e-mail directly with our phone. So, what better way to communicate with someone than sending something straight to their phone? And once you have decided that sending out newsletters is the way to do so, how are you going to get your newsletter out to all of your customers? Well, with MailChimp you can easily send out mass e-mails to all your customers and update them on the latest news from your company. For example, any Travel and Tourism company will benefit by keeping existing and potential customers updated with a newsletter or e-mail, which might include vacation packages and deals. After choosing an e-mail marketing website, the next step is to determine what we need to send out to benefit your company. Sending a weekly or biweekly newsletter to your current and potential customers is a good way to keep them updated about your latest offers, special discounts and new features. This will allow you to stay connected with your customers, and update information they need to know from your company.
Here, we summarize six top reasons to choose MailChimp for e-mail Marketing-

How to Negotiating with Your Salary

When you think back to your last job offer, were you happy with the result? I'm not proud to admit the number of jobs I accepted without attempting to negotiate anything, only to be discouraged about the outcome later (thankfully, I've learned my lesson).

Which is why I'm grateful there are people in the world like negotiation expert Victoria Pynchon who help people — especially women — learn how to navigate the world of money and power. If only I had discovered her sooner.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Types of Social Media Fans - Which type of You Are ?

Types of Social Media Fans - Which type of You Are ?

Social Media a great tool for Market Research

Market research can be a costly and time-intensive process. However, many businesses have begun to turn to social media as a cost-effective and in-depth tool for gaining insights into their customers, market, brand appearance and other important market research aspects. The keys to utilizing social media for market research are to understand the benefits and creating a proper research plan. These six tips offer easy to implement ways to utilize social media in your market research methods for improved, measurable results.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Market Research Methods - Primary & Secondary means

There are several ways to categorize the various market research methods.  The vast majority of techniques fit into one of six categories:
(1) secondary research,
(2) surveys,
(3) focus groups,
(4) interviews,
(5) observation, or
(6) experiments/field trials.

Market Research Methods: An Overview

Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Simple Rule to Eliminate Useless Meetings

Ask your team to identify their biggest productivity killer and inevitably two issues will rise to the top of the list: managing their inboxes and their meeting schedules. I'll tackle the former in a future post. For now, I'd like to focus on increasing the value of meetings by sharing a practice our team has implemented to great effect.
Bear in mind: Just because the material has been sent doesn't mean it will be read. Taking a page out of Jeff Bezo's book, we begin each meeting by providing attendees roughly 5-10 minutes to read through the deck. If people have already read it, this gives them an opportunity to refresh their memory, identify areas they'd like to go deeper on, or just catch up on email.
If the idea of kicking off a meeting with up to 10 minutes of silence strikes you as odd, you're not alone. The first time I read about this practice it immediately conjured up images of a library or study hall, two of the last forums I would equate with meeting productivity. However, after the first few times you try it, not only won't it be awkward -- it will be welcome. This is particularly true when meetings end early with participants agreeing it was time well spent.

Friday, July 5, 2013

20 Devastating Content Marketing Mistakes [COMICS]

The science of content marketing is much bigger than publishing an occasional blog. Custom content has grown into a 43.9 billion dollar industry, and even skeptics have to admit that it’s serious business. The best content marketers are wizards who are able to blend writing, multi-media content, PR, social media, and networking into a comprehensive online presence. It’s hard work, and there’s no room at the top for branded messaging riddled with content marketing mistakes. To both amuse and inspire your quest for excellence, we've curated some cartoons which brilliantly illustrate some of the most common pitfalls:

1. Not Prioritizing Time Management

not priorizing time management