Thursday, October 17, 2013

Online Marketing Surveys

market research methodology. Online marketing research is deployed after carefully considering research design factors. Our clients include B2B and consumer marketers, advertising agencies, and venture capital firms.

Often the best solution

As web based online marketing research has evolved, online studies are often the premier data collection methodology for new products research, brand name research, branding studies, concept testing, product development research, pricing research, and customer satisfaction research. We use state of the art data collection technologies and specialized market research suppliers for server side implementation of online and special hybrid online-mail-phone survey research assignments.

Wide Range of Methods

As a full service market research company, we deploy a range of well-chosen online survey market research methods when an online research methodology fits with the marketing research study objectives. We view online research surveys as especially appropriate for branding research, customer satisfaction, concept testing and new product research, positioning studies, advertising research, and pricing research.
Online market research tools and methods are now truly "online" as a powerful mainstream data collection technology for market surveys, both qualitative and quantitative. Online research survey methods for marketing research evolved from predecessors to online research: mail surveys, self-administered survey questionnaires in central location testing research (CLT), trade show surveys, in-home product use tests (HUT) research, offline and online kiosk surveys, and other self-administered market research survey venues. As with all marketing survey methods, online surveys have advantages and disadvantages. See further discussion about online surveys at our FAQ.

Online Survey Research - Design Issues

Here are important design issues in choosing and online market research methodology over other methods.

Design Issues: Online Surveys

  • Moderate or high involvement by the target population to be surveyed
  • Identifiable sampling frame, and robust high-quality sample list
  • Survey topic relevant and interesting -- better results with tight focus
  • Uniform non-response bias (people did not opt-out, or opt-in,  because of the survey method itself)
  • Average or above average literacy levels of the target population
  • Target population is otherwise "hard to reach."
  • Multiple worldwide geographies are required & populations have online access.
  • Speed of response is important.
  • Survey design includes multiple phases with repeated panel contacts of same respondents.
  • Respondents see some benefit to themselves by participation in the online survey
  • Range of complicated questionnaire scales and ratings are required.
  • Visual display of materials -- advertising copy, concept statements, photos -- is critical to success of the market survey.

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