Thursday, July 4, 2013

Explore the Mobile Timeline - Real Time Mobile users Tracking

Explore the Mobile Timeline 

Mobile is one of the fastest growing technologies the world has ever seen and it continues to evolve at a rapid rate. Our Mobile Timeline tracks the development of the industry, from the pioneering networks and devices in the late 20th century, right up to the modern era of smartphones, 4G and the mobile data revolution. Discover how we went from zero to 7 billion connections in record time!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

How to Listen

Years ago, I met once a week, 9 a.m. sharp, with a therapist whom I will call Dr. Mason. We would settle in well-worn chairs, Dr. Mason, a slender, balding middle-ager in blazer and striped tie, and me, an anxious academic in Levi’s and tweeds. Sometimes I’d plunge into whatever was on my mind, but other times we would sit and look at each other in silence as I struggled for words. But Dr. Mason had a simple method of getting me to begin. He would lean slightly forward, all the while maintaining eye contact and then when he got my attention, he would nod.

How to Work with a Jerk

Recently, our software company Likeable Local began partnering with large companies to help reach more small businesses. Our first company, Likeable Media, works with many large companies as clients. So even though I don't have a boss, from time to time I've had to work with people I don't love. In fact, recently I began working with someone that I can only (nicely) call a total jerk. We'll call him Al to protect the guilty in this article.
Al is the kind of person who hates babies and kittens and is never happy. Al demands a lot of everyone around him at work. Al is often if not always critical, and is never one to praise or compliment coworkers and employees. It's always "Al's way or the highway." When I talked to someone at his company about Al, I was told, "Get in line. Nobody can stand the guy. But he's here because he gets results."
Do you know anyone like "Al"?
I've had the good fortune of building my own companies over the last seven years, and have worked very hard to build a likeable, positive, fun corporate culture at both, so it's been awhile since I've worked with a jerk. I could complain endlessly about working with a jerk, but the truth is, complaining won't change anything, for me, or for any of you out there who currently work with or for a jerk.
So instead, let's look at three suggestions for making work with a jerk, easier, for you and for me:

Monday, May 14, 2012

BPO companies saying bye to big smokes, Capturing Tier III areas

In the beginning of Christian era, One observation spread all over, that the India were essentially a greenhouse, which depends only on their agriculture and a myth of lacking in a spirit of globalisation and industrialization, is already dispelled.