Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Microsoft gives Bing a new logo and is making changes to its interface

Microsoft has been constantly adding new features to its Bing search site since it first launched in 2009 as a direct competitor to Google. However, it hasn't made much of a dent in Google's overall search market share. Today, the company announced its biggest overhaul of Bing since it started over four years ago. The changes starts with a new logo:
Good-bye old Bing logo ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Market Research Tools: Concept Testing Advertisng, Brands, Products, Pricing, Positioning

Concept testing research evaluates advertising concepts, ad theme concepts and appeals, new product concepts, pricing, brand concepts, brand names, and positioning strategy concepts.

The concept testing market research design approach for your company will develop precise and specific concept statements for development, testing, screening and segmentation.

                        Online Marketing Research

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Market Research Applications: Ad Copy Testing

Advertising copy testing research guages advertising concepts, advertising themes, and tests concept strength, comprehension, ad recall, and ad relevance.

We select from several ad copy testing environments: online, depth interviews, mail surveys, or test ad campaigns. Method depends upon the stage of copy point development.
As a broad based marketing and advertising research company, our advertising copy testing research design approach for your firm or agency will develop a precise and specific ad copy testing research process. It will be tailored to your decision agenda. We employ advanced advertising testing research  measurement, questionnaire, and data collection approaches to assess ad concept strength, and execution power using both qualitative and quantitative market research methods.